Monday, June 8, 2009


If any kayakers are able to go out tomorrow and start searching around the shores in the area that would be really helpful


  1. I might be asking a stupid question but was curious has anyone on boat been able to get out to some of the little islands out in the bay and get out and look around? I was looking through the pictures of the boat and was wondering that

  2. I've been out in a boat for 6 hours a day for the last two days. We covered all the way down the shoreline from Fairhaven to Chuckanut Island and over to Portage on Sunday. Today we covered Portage Island, including sending a zodiac to get a man on shore when we thought we spotted something that ended up being a folgers coffee can. He then walked up and down the beach looking for debris. Then us and another boat covered all around Lummi Island.

    Tomorrow there are at least three boats going out again. The plan is to cover Cypress, Guemas, parts of Orcas, and all the little islands in between. We need at least two people per boat so anyone who can afford to spend the better part of the day on the water, please get a hold of Jeff Meyers in the morning or just show up around 10am at the Greyhound station in fairhaven.
