Sunday, June 7, 2009

We need a leader!

I live in Portland and am here now, creating this site has been the only way for me to contribute to the efforts... I think everyone could benefit from having some direction. So if anyone is able to take the reigns on this one and make some calls, set up a meeting point (like one of the harbors) and a meeting time that everyone could gather, then spread out that would be great. Bring maps and make a plan. Gunther and Sean COULD still be ALIVE!!! Can anyone do this? Please...


  1. Some previous posts had these suggestions...
    North Bay
    Lummi Island (gods beach)
    Portage island (uninhabited)
    Northwest and South of the Cement Factory
    Driftwood piles

    maybe only a few folks on post point and clarke point...

  2. I would like to help. Me and my fiance like to hike and would be willing to go anywhere needed on foot, just tell me where.

  3. Lea Kelley said...
    These are the spots Katie and I did today:
    From Marine park along the shore and railroad tracks to Chuckanut Bay.
    Earlier, I searched the perimeter around the bay and up to the tracks where Katie and I stopped.
    If everyone writes a comment about their own search, we can get a better idea of the places we have missed.

    Perhaps Jeff could leave us a comment to tell us where the boats are and we could all meet there at noon—Including Skagit Co-op?
    If we each print a google map to bring with us we can highlight and designate areas.

  4. Yes... Are you the woman for the job?

  5. I am talking to Jeff on the phone right now.
    His boats are at the boat launch in Fairhaven behind the Greyhound Station. He will be there at 11:00 am. Has life jackets for 5 needs one more life jacket. Anyone with a Kayak or water craft and are willing to search can meet there in the parking lot.
    All search volunteers bring a google map of the area.
    Lea will be there at noon for walking searchers and boat passengers can to coordinate with Jeff.
    All search volunteers bring a GOOGLE MAP OF THE AREA .

    Parking lot Greyhound Station 11am. All Help welcome!
    Bring a map
    Watercraft if you have it.
    Skagit Co-op, is that okay with you?

  6. Some things, if you got them....
    Binoculars, your charged cell phone, a life jacket, optimism and hope

  7. If anyone is going from Portland please call me any time 970 275 5578

  8. I'm a close friend of Gunther's from high school and college. Is there anyone that knows Peter Van Zanden or has contacted him?

    Thank you for setting up this blog. I just found out today what happened and am in shock. I saw Gunther just a couple weeks ago here in SF.

    Dennis Pasco

  9. Dennis: Pieter is in town and has been involved with searching and helping the family and is in close contact with other friends of gunthers.

