Tuesday, June 9, 2009

tuesday night planning


  1. 5:30 Greyhound station in Fairhaven

    Elena is the coordinator
    (can we get your contact info here)
    and a brief description of what the check in point looks like?
    also, please have everyone sign in and list where they are heading so we can try to keep track of people for safety sake.

  2. Elena 220-6875

    Things to bring:
    The things some of you have found
    Charged cell phones

    Also, we did not have any boats yesterday, if anyone with a boat and life jackets wants to join the evening search that would be awesome, especially because the tide tends to be high.

  3. Hey do you think you could benefit from some media coverage? Get the word out about the search and how you don't have police or coast guard assistance?

  4. Very much so. I just email the herald to see they can put another story out to reach out but if you can get some one else that would be great. I was thinking KISM might be good too.

  5. I have not heard from the hearld but Carol from KISM said she will pass the word along, especially reach out to those by the shorelines and with private property to please keep an eye out and if willing, allow searchers to enter their properties.

  6. I emailed Matt Marcovich at KOMO TV and asked him why he wasn't covering the search. He responded that he didn't think the searchers wanted him there, but that may have been a reaction to the situation not actually how people felt about TV coverage. If you get me a name and phone number of someone who would coordinate with him, one of you who is integrally involved in the search, I will contact him again.

  7. I also emailed the Herald to ask about continuing coverage of the search effort since more coverage could mean more volunteers/eyes.

  8. Well I guess the fear with actual tv stations is that they will turn it into a media circus. If they want to come out to actually help us get more volunteers/searchers out, great. To get juicey or judgmental details, no. They tend to focus on negitive things such as, they weren't wearing life jackets. I am too camera shy but I will get a hold of a couple of other people to see if they are intersted.

  9. Nancy, please give him Lea's phone number 510-3658. She is willing to coordinate with him. She is leading the day search.

  10. FYI, I will not have internet acess after 2pm. If you are interested in evening search party, please call me 220-6875.

  11. One last update. I will be taking over for Lea at 5:15 at the greyhound parking lot. Pizzapipeline will be donating 10 pizza's for those searching and they will arrive at 6pm. Please check with me at the parking lot before going out to search so we can keep track of everyone and point people to the right areas.

